CLASS 9 TH                                                               MARKS 40
SUB :ENGLISH                                                         TIME : 2 Hrs

 Q .1  (A) Do as directed .                                                              16
1         .Complete the words by using correct letters .     
1)Yell_w         2) wa_k          3) bo_k     4) dr_nk
2         . Copy the sentences correctly .
1)I am not feeling well in the class . .
           2)“What’s it about ?  ” said Margee
           3)What a waste !
           4)Japan , China ,Russia and Korea have special tea
 Ceremonies and traditions .
        3 .Put the words in alphabetical order .
1) River , space , nature , bird
2) Danger , doctor , diagram  , difference .
4. Punctuate the following .
             1)where did you find it .
             2)you must write to your friend he said.
       5. Make four words (minimum 3 letters) using the
 word .“Fashionable”
       6 . Spot the error and rewrite the correct sentences .
1)Mr .Sharad could not found a cab .
2) today tommy found a real book.
       7 . Write the related words of  ‘book’ or ‘coffee’
       8 . Complete the following word chain of noun .­
plant- ……………-……………-……………..
    Q . 1 (B) Do as directed Grammatical questions :      04
    1)Make meaningful sentence by using the phrase
    2) Add prefix or suffix  and make use in sentence
a) large                 b) possible
    3) Add a clause to expand sentence to expand
Sentence meaningfully .
A ) I play cricket ……………………………….

Q 2 A :Read the passage carefully and carry out following  activities :                                        10

                                                            Textual Passage
Mathilde was a pretty and charming girl , born as if by an error of fate ,into a family of clerk
She had no means of becoming known ,understood .loved or be wedded to an aristocrat and so She let herself be married to a minor official at a ministry of education
She dressed plainly because she had never been able to afford anything better . she suffered endlessly ,felling she was entitled to all the luxuries life She suffered because of her shabby ,poorly , furnished house  all this things that another woman of her class would not have even noticed .She dreamed of a Grand palatial mansion ,with vast rooms and inviting smaller rooms ,perfumed for afternoon chat with close friends .
Yet , She had no rich dresses ,no jewels ,nothing ;and this were other things she loved .She wanted so much to charm .to be envied ,to be sought after .
She had a rich friend schoolmate at the convent .    

      1) State the following statements true or false
a)Mathilde was born in a rich family.
b)Mathilde had no jewelry .
c) She was a doctor .
d)She suffered because of her shabby house .
    2 ) Arrange the following sentences as per their sequence
               a)She met her friend at the convent .
               b)She born in family of clerk .
               c) Mathilde married to a minor official at the ministry .

3)Find out the meaning of the following from the     passage :
1) schoolmate     2)mansion .  3)shabby    4)Education
4)Make changes in the sentences as mentioned  in the bracket :
   1)  Mathilde was pretty and charming girl.(use not             only ……..but also)    
   2)She had a rich friend (Identify the  tense ).
4)What is your dream in future?
Do you like to be rich ? Why ?/ Why not ?



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